
Peanut Belt Rural Planning Organization (PBRPO)

The Peanut Belt Rural Planning Organization (PBRPO) is the regional planning organization serving Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, and Northampton Counties along with the 30 municipalities in these counties. The PBRPO is responsible for preparation of the Planning Work Program (PWP) for the four-county region that includes highways, pedestrian walkways, rail systems, airports, and other systems. Along with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the US Department of Transportation, the Peanut Belt RPO implements a continuing transportation planning process for that gives communities the opportunity to make transportation investment decisions that enhance economic and community development goals.

In 2000, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified the Board of Transportation Reform Bill (House Bill 1304). This bill mandated the North Carolina Board of Transportation to develop a plan to establish Rural Transportation Planning Organizations (RPOs) as counterparts to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPOs).

  • In cooperation with the NC Department of Transportation, develop long-range local and regional multi-modal transportation plans
  • Provide a forum for public participation in the transportation planning process
  • Develop and prioritize suggestions for projects that the organization believes should be included in the State’s Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
  • Providing transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons.

A Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) implement in transportation planning for the PBRPO. Regular joint meetings are held to support transportation planning activities for the four-county area.